As of the end of April, the average payment level per person in the city reached 848.11 yuan, an increase of 126.56 yuan compared to the same period last year.
Focus on Task Implementation. Task-oriented and with the "four-level linkage" of city, county, township, and village, as of the end of April, 3.1351 million people participated in urban and rural residents' pension insurance, achieving 101.19% of the annual target. The number of people who paid the insurance premium for the current year reached 1.2897 million, completing 85.97% of the annual target.
Focus on Promoting Payments through Publicity. Multi-channel and multi-dimensional promotion of the urban and rural pension insurance policy was carried out to every village and household. The advantages of paying higher-tier premiums were thoroughly explained to the residents, significantly enhancing their enthusiasm for participating and paying for the insurance. Throughout the city, 347,500 people chose to pay premiums at the 1,000 yuan or above tier.
Focus on Smooth Benefits Distribution. The distribution channels for pension benefits were streamlined, with a total of 7.54 billion yuan distributed to urban and rural residents' basic pension insurance benefits across 3.9834 million instances. Elderly residents were encouraged to make high-tier supplementary payments to increase their individual account accumulation. A total of 108,400 people applied for supplementary payments, amounting to 2.36 billion yuan. The average pension level in the city reached 189.18 yuan, with the newly added pension recipients in the current month receiving an average pension of 241.58 yuan.